Saturday, April 26, 2008

Since Fundie Mormons Are a Downer, and Since BEM is a Pansy,

and I mean that in a good way. Really. I remember being really impressed as a kid that the flowers called "pansies" were demonstrably the hardiest, outlasting the earliest and coldest snow falls in the unpredictable Montana weather. But, yes, a pansy. In preparation for his immanent descent on our beloved 'burg, I sent him a number of cupcake possibilities (since I tend to promise cupcakes), with a clearly stated imperative that he must choose. Instead, BEM replied, narrowing the list of five to three, and optimistically enjoining me to choose for myself. The full text is worth quoting here. Here's what I said:

To: BEM From: Asenath Subject Line: Your options


Root beer float


Orange Chocolate Pudding

Mexican Hot Chocolate (since Q insists)


You must choose. No halfsies.
Here's what he said:

Man, those all sound pretty amazing.

I guess I would go with either the Mexican Hot Chocolate, Root beer float or Margarita. You make the final call.


As though, god love him, this helps me.

While I don't want at all to give anyone the impression that I ultimately will not just decide, regardless of what anyone (though I love you all so) has to say on the matter--cause I totally will, and it will no doubt (as BEM probably suspected all along) be simply a function of my caprice and whimsy--I thought I'd stage a poll.

What should I make?

Option A: Root Beer Float Cupcakes.
These are an unknown quantity. But they were rated in the top ten of all these vegan cookbooks! Plus: awesomeness?

Option B: Mexican Hot Chocolate Cupcakes.
These are a favorite. Reliably delicious, and they make everyone crazy. I've made them twice: Once with a fluffy, chocolate mousse topping, and once with regular chocolate frosting. If I made them again, I'd do the mousse. The blog that this links to shows the cupcakes with the suggested sprinkling of powdered sugar, cocoa, and cinnamon. I really think the mousse adds a fabulously outrageous dimension, though.

Option C: Mucho Margarita Cupcakes
My (relatively) recently acquired addiction to tequila (thanks a lot, BEM, totally your fault, by the way) makes these particularly attractive. Although, I'll admit to a little trepidation in that I don't know where the fuck I'd find the special, chunky multi-colored sugar that I really really need to have these be as awesome as they should be. I'm a crazy perfectionist like that. Whatever.

Option D: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies.
For our inner and insatiable fat kid. These are a late entry, but I've only recently discovered. My desire for them is only met part of the way by my desire to not eat them all. Good angel, bad angel.

By the way, I made the VCTOTW green tea cupcakes for one of Q's meetings. They were totally awesome, and I've compelled Q to take pictures. Hopefully, I'll have one forthcoming. In the meanwhile, please take a moment and weigh in on my (delicious) quandary.


queercat said...

I still vote for Mexican Hot Chocolate. They are totally ridiculous--perhaps the best cupcake I've ever eaten. Plus, you all know my tendency to stick with the same reliable, pleasing option, given a panoply of choices. I tread along the beaten path, not attempting to forage in unspoiled pastures. I'm still surprised daily that I"m not a Republican.

And these cupcakes still go great with tequila (our liquor of choice), without any of the messy risk and disappointment that the others involve. And I hate root beer. Brown cow cupcakes, however, would probably sway my position.

Bourbon Enthusiast Monthly said...

Some see indecisiveness where I see a clever ploy to get you to make ALL THREE KINDS of suggested cupcakes like we all know you want to. So, new poll: Who here wants all of the above??

mrtreetop said...

Yeah, I'm kind of with BEM on this one. All three, and I want some. And the green tea cupcakes were astounding!! Thank you! Hope you're ready for yummy thai tonight...

Bourbon Enthusiast Monthly said...

See how I did that? How easy it was to turn them against you?

asenath said...

Well, to mrtreetop and BEM, particularly, all I have to say is, I hope they make cupcakes in Denial-land, because "all of the above" was not an option.

My log saw something. Can you hear it?

Bourbon Enthusiast Monthly said...

You win.

Mexican Hot Chocolate.

B said...

Your log heard but my stake says ALL THREE PLEASE!!!! But don't forget to serve the Mexicans LAST so as to avoid Pistachiogate.

B said...

Upon reading my last comment, that sounds really weird. You know what I mean.