Saturday, June 28, 2008

My First Survey

Whatever, don't say you weren't warned. Plus, there's something about these things that tweaks my voyeuristic ocd. Via the ever lovely Lindy Loo at Yeah That Vegan Shit. If you haven't checked it out yet, what the hell is wrong with you? Get thee to Lindy's blog! Or to a nunnery! Or ...something.

What are five things on your to-do list for today?

I'm cheating. This is my to-do list for Monday. Tomorrow is simply a wash. Already.

1) Finish revising my fourth chapter.
2) Email my fifth chapter to my director.
3) Prepare to write my conclusion (which means, in part, finishing Serenity).
4) Run seven to ten miles.
5) Eat leftover Strawberry-Rhubarb-Peach pie with almond, whole wheat crust.

What are five snacks you enjoy?

1) Salt and pepper pretzels with nut butter
2) Multi-grain toast with earth balance, salt, and LOTS of tomato
3) Bananas with salt and nut butter
4) Tortilla chips with garlic hummus
5) Popcorn with Red Hot and Nootch

What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?

1) Help my loved ones with their debt
2) Move to Bellingham, WA and buy a comfortable, smallish home with a view of the San Juan Islands and never leave. Ever.
3) Become a pilates instructor. Just for fun.
4) Begin my world travels by visiting the following places: the Caribbean (I write enough about it. I oughta go there.), Eastern Europe, and Russia. I hear the Trans-Siberian Railroad is lovely this time of year. Also, I'd love to drive to Alaska from Maine.
5) Make certain my mom could travel anywhere she wants, as long as she wants, as long as she lives, and go with her.

What are five of your bad habits?

1) Fixating on food.
2) Fixating on exercise.
3) Fixating on reality tv.
4) Are you seeing a pattern?
5) Being inappropriate.

What are five places where you have lived?

1) Billings, MT
2) Seattle, WA
3) Athens, OH
4) Woodstock, VA
5) Buffalo, NY

What are five jobs you’ve had?

1) Alfalfa sprout engineer
2) Barista
3) Ass. Accountant (yes, it should be "Asst.", but so what? I like ass.)
4) Coop cashy
5) English T.A./Adjunct Instructor

Tag! You're it if you ...

1) Have a right boob that's bigger than your left.
2) Like to dance the robot.
3) Find a good shit more satisfying than sex.
4) Are vegan.
5) Your mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha. Sucker!